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Editing XHTML table borders

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Post by FaerieJules 3/2/2024, 10:56 am

Editing XHTML table borders Fcd-wa11


You really do not need to know a bunch of coding to be able to edit
the borders for yourself, and put in your own background styles.
(of course you can always ask for help) 


We will use this love notes border as an example.

Lets say you like the rest of it. But just want a different print background. 
Looking at the borders themselves - you see the outer border is a gradient. Then the next border is the printed one. 

Look at the source code now. That printed border should be the 2nd URL from the beginning of the table code. Looking at the code notice that just before the background image is a hex color number. This should match or be similar to a color in your background. (Colors show up before images do. -and - If the server storing your background goes down, you'll still have a nice matching color.) 

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Whatever background you want to use in its place you will need to store at an image storage that allows remote linking. 
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.](I pay $4.00 per month)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (free and wonderful) 
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (free) I have used this one before & like it too.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.](free) great service. But sometimes my backgrounds won't show. ??

I am not sure what other sites are available these days. 
Photobucket was the main one in the early to mid 2000s. 
It is no longer recommended. And is actually blocked on most of these forums.

Upload your image, right click on the original (not preview) of it and select 'copy image address'

Now just highlight that URL in the code that you want to change and paste in your new URL. 

Don't forget to click 'preview' to see how your borders look
before saving Very Happy

star2 HUGE TIP: These borders look much nicer when using a tiled background. Otherwise your going to have line breaks in the image.  star2


Fey Touched by FaerieCharmDesigns

Posts : 1091
Birthday : 1966-09-06


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