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Post by FaerieJules 9/6/2024, 8:03 pm

What do you think of these ideas? Lame? Good? Too hard? boring?? *giggles*

pinkarrow  Just One -- Create a tag using image provided as the main part of the tag. So that it isn't just one image and a name slapped on it -- I would probably say there needs to be at least 10 other items used.

(always copyright compliant)

pinkarrow  Lazy Art or The Lazy Artist *lol* -- Create a tag using premade parts. Such as clusters, cluster frames, embellishments, tube.

pinkarrow Do we need tutorials in the challenges as well?
  personally I'm not great with following tuts. They seem like they are so long and time consuming to me. *lol* Maybe others like following tutorials??

Feel free to add suggestions...

@Heylin   @Christina Marie   @PrismaticDragons76   @Rockabella


Challenges Ideas... Julie-prettysummersig

Posts : 1074
Birthday : 1966-09-06


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Post by Lin 9/6/2024, 9:55 pm


Here's my thoughts ... although it's well after midnight and I might need some clarification - or I might need to rethink it tomorrow and do some clarifying.  

Just One - Could be really hard.  Need some clarification here maybe?  Are you thinking you give me a red basket and I have to find some kit, somewhere, that has at least 10 other items matching or coordinating with that.  I own well over 2000 kits, it would take me a while, but I could do that.

As well - you could suggest a color.  or a theme.  Take blue for instance.  Make a tag with whatever kit you want, but the color blue has to be the most used color.  The sky does not count lol.  Can even leave it open but narrow it down.  Like make a tag from one of Adrienne's kits, but narrow it down by only use a kit from May 2023 and be sure to say the name of the kit in your post.

Lazy Art or Lazy Artist - This definately sounds like you give us a cluster frame and we slap a tube on it and call it done.  That sounds easy enough.  

Tutorials?  My PSP still doesn't work right, trying to use a plug-in shuts it down.  I used to love doing tutorials.  However, you have your taggers, and you have your tut followers.  Generally, they either do one or the other.  Those of us who do both are few and far between.  However, as more people come in, that can change.  

Nothing to do with this subject, but here's a thought anyway.  When you're advertising Enchanged Canvas, maybe mention non-taggers are welcome.  Entice them as well with they can play games for game tags and/or  sets and can also receive sets given thru our tagger challenges.  There's a lot of siggy piggies out there, if they would only get off FB long enough to pop in here.  

Things like put your name down and you could win this 'checking in' tag.  Today we play for checking in, tomorrow we'll play for Tag Addict tag.  Another day we'll play for a alice in wonderland set, etc.  The more players that enter, the more players can win, but only 1 entry per game.  I mean if 5 enter, only 1 winner - gets the tag and maybe 100 points?  if 20 enter, we can have 5 winners.  I would be more than happy to make the tags and/or sets for stuff like this.

Well, it's 1 a.m. now and I'm losing my train of thought.  But I've given you even more to think about, as if you had all the time in the world lol.  Good Night!

Challenges Ideas... This_i10


Posts : 156

FaerieJules sprinkled faerie dust on this post!

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Post by FaerieJules 10/6/2024, 8:27 am

good morning @Heylin s0MyL 
I was too tired last night to reply *lol*

Yes I agree with the only one main image one. I must have been having an almost senior moment.
Later, I was thinking this one would be too hard too. Could run into credit or copyright issues.

Thats too funny you suggest a color one. I actually wrote that down in my notes yesterday.

Thank you for mentioning about the non taggers. I always forget to mention anything about that when I do Ad runs. I feel like there needs to be more for non-taggers to do too. So, I'm always in the back of my mind trying to think of things...
ROFLOL!!! If they would only get off FB nodding laughing at you laughing at you laughing at you laughing at you laughing at you
uuugh! That place!...

I like your next idea a lot too. I've been resisting doing stuff like that. I'm afraid of getting behind and having too much work to do. But I just need to dive into it. I think that would create much more fun and success here. 
I would absolutely love to have your help with making the tags. I feel like that takes a lot of pressure off of me. 

We can muddle over some ideas together on messenger if you want. Today is my day off. So I have to get ready for my nail appointment at 10:00

(((((great ideas ~~ thank you~~))))))

Challenges Ideas... Julie-prettysummersig

Posts : 1074
Birthday : 1966-09-06


Lin sprinkled faerie dust on this post!

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Post by PrismaticDragons76 16/6/2024, 6:17 pm

I love Lin's suggestions Smile I, too, have a lot of kits so I tend to avoid challenges that want us to use an element as the key focus/tube. I love the concept, but finding one that works with it would be difficult for me <3

Challenges Ideas... SweetTaurielBanner

Proud mama of Elly. My mini me, bestie, and princess.

If you see a tag/set that I made and want one, PM me.

Posts : 33
Birthday : 1986-07-30


FaerieJules and Lin love this post muchness!

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Post by FaerieJules 16/6/2024, 6:23 pm

me too!!! Great to see you @PrismaticDragons76 
It seemed like a nice idea at the time. But its just too difficult to implement...Challenges Ideas... Bigthu10

Challenges Ideas... Julie-prettysummersig

Posts : 1074
Birthday : 1966-09-06


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